There is nothing you can’t do only if you believe in the power of your imagination (the power within you). It starts with the first day you graced the earth. The “You in You” starts fighting You. You’re defeated when you allow the “Not-in-You” to suppress the “You-in-You”. Not-in-You exists when you start imitating others to achieve your dreams forgetting that you can only be the second best. Stop choosing careers because you have seen others who succeeded in that career path. Choose what you’re passionate about and never stop improving the “You-in-You”. Once you stop shaping the “You-in-You” the Not-in-You starts furnishing your mindset with excuses while the “You-in-You” is irrelevant. Once the “Not-in-You” wins the “You-in-You” you become defeated and you start apportioning blames, looking for witches and wizards that are holding your progress and seeking for help from native doctors, soothsayers, pastors and other sorts of religious means who claims to have solution to all things while they cannot solve their own problems.
It is in You, all you need to succeed in life is within the power of your reach, start tapping the power within You — your temple of wisdom. The real “You-in-You”