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In this Information Age, Youth without IT Skills are Doomed; They Constitute Problem to themselves and the Society!

Theoretically expressed, computer literacy is “the ability to use computer and related technological devices efficiently, with a range of skills covering from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving.” In a simpler parlance, it is the understanding of how computer works. But there is a problem – a mind-boggling problem! − Teaching Computer literacy to students especially at young age may improve their thinking skills and employability, but most teachers lack the understanding and classroom time to teach computer; most schools don’t even have a single computer in the whole school not to talk of teaching the students. It is against this unfortunate background that most of our youth and graduates today are totally backward by knowing very little, and, more often than not, nothing about this life-saving device – Computer.

These hapless youth merely hear about computer, but many can’t create even a folder on a computer as simple as it is. This is critical. The reality is – we are in a Computer Age! And every individual who means well for himself, should have at least, basic, elementary knowledge of computer. Every field these days require computer skills.

The bad news is − Computer illiteracy, and lack of the basic know-how deal a deadly blow to people’s employment opportunities even as you read this. Against these backdrops, a non-governmental organization called iT4YUS has come to your rescue, to make-up for the inadequacy, give hope to the youth, and empower them with the golden, trending knowledge to make exploits, create, innovate, excel and change the world.

IT is the life-wire of the society, now and in the foreseeable future, and iT4YUS brings it to all, for a beautiful future!

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