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The ABCDs of Staying Safe Online


It is very easy for an individual to maintain a good online hygiene. The amazing thing about it is that most online service providers for example, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo and even WhatsApp want to maintain their customers’ confidence, comply with privacy and security regulations, and most importantly don’t want to shed off their reputation and financial benefits as a result of a data breach. As a result, they make certain security measures available for users to protect their account without asking the users to pay for those security measures. Of course, you don’t need a soothsayer to know that any online service that offers services for free is making you (your information) the product that they are selling to others. It is said that “if you weren’t paying for a service it was a sure sign that you were the product rather than the consumer.”  

Some service providers provide such measures just for compliance sake and not because they care about the users. As such, most of them do not even inform the users of the security measures available; it is left for the users to discover those measures themselves and start using them. Most people don’t know that Facebook, WhatsApp, Yahoo, and Google etc. all have better ways to secure their accounts other than username and password. The reason why service providers choose the latter option goes thus: all that service providers care about is “convenience” and not security. They want users to be able to access their services without any difficulty. And if they were to make security a priority, it would be less convenient for users to access the services they provide. And if it is less convenient for users, the service providers will incur financial loss. 

Service providers don’t force you to secure your account(s) because you are the one that will be affected if your account is hacked. Even if their database/server is breached, it is your information that will be stolen and not theirs. It costs them more to carter for the additional security measures for users. So, it is to their advantage that you don’t use it provided they have fulfilled their due care and due diligence obligations.

The bottom line is that it is left for you to search for the best security measure supported by any online service you are using and enable them for your own safety.

Below are the simple things you could do to ensure a good online hygiene:

Non adherence to the above-stated safety measures could wreck damaging havoc on a service user, and spell costly consequences. 

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