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By: Chikwado, the BLIND POET.

Yesterday, I thought
It will all end by tomorrow,
In my darkest lonely world,
I waited, lying low
Patiently waiting for the long night to pass away,
I slept for hours
Hoping to see the light again,
This morning, I woke into another fresh dark day,
A little beginning slowly turned to an endless journey in darkness.
No light in my lonely world,
The sight is gone, but alive is the vision,
The sun brightens the day for others,
Leaving me behind to suffer her rays in pains,
The moon shines upon the dark night for others to see,
Yet nature finds me less-worthy to share in the gains’
My heart is broken, then I cried,
My tears poured like a rain flooding my face,
Drenching the dirty rags on my body!
In the beginning,
During the creation,
You made the light,
To shine upon the day,
Darkness comes, but for the night alone!
Then why do I grope my hands to see in the day?
Why do I have my eyes on my fingers?
With my ears,
I rely to see everything, now I’m going deaf
As no one says hello
To ease my pain!
Beauty and love are strangers in my world,
There is no joy here,
Hatred, discrimination is all I got from the world
Made for people who can see and hear.
In a time of war,
I’m just like a crippled man crawling,
Suffering alone in one place,
Because I can neither walk nor run for my life on my own,
Walking-stick is my only guide,
No friends in my home,
My family had long gone to the other side,
Neighbors hail me from afar,
My world is lonely, dark and hopeless.

By: Chikwado, the BLIND POET.

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