Develop your strengths, your weaknesses will sort itself

Your dreams and mission lie in your strengths and not in your weaknesses.

You can’t have all the good qualities, just make good use of your strength and don’t waste time competing with others on your weaknesses. Don’t get me wrong, you can work on your weaknesses and improve on them but why would I waste my time working on my weakness when I would be doing exploits with my strengths (when I can’t even finish exploiting my strength till the end of the world). Sorrows over a dead man are not really as a result of the physical body but because of the words left unsaid and the good works left undone. I have never seen a man who will say that he has exhausted the power of his strengths. So, why should you be wasting your time on your weaknesses when you’ve not even unravelled your extraordinary potentials. 

My experience in college helped me to realise the power of exploiting my strengths. A very good friend of mine (referred to as “C” ) was very good in academics and I do try my best too., although we compete for positions yet we were uncommon friends. Naturally, we supposed to be arch-rivals but our weaknesses solved the equation for us.

1. C’s writing was far better than mine but I was faster in writing.
2. C can draw better than me but I was very good in giving examples and explaining my bad drawings.
3. I was a fool in proving mathematical theorems but that’s C’s dream exam questions while I prefer equations and graphs
4. In physics, I can’t really spot the difference, only that I write faster as I can be good in manipulating data and getting the expected result while he would be trying to follow due process.
5. He’s the type that would want to answer one question beyond reasonable doubt, on the contrary, I prefer just giving enough answers and nothing more.

Along the line, we realised that the outcome of the exam (result) depends more on whether the questions swung to our strength or weakness. e.g, if the time allocated for physics is very short then is my strength because I can manipulate the data, analyze it and zoom off to the next question but if we had more than enough time, then that’s to C’s strength as he would prove all his answers beyond a reasonable doubt.

In Maths, if the time is short and we had less prove this, prove that questions then I’m fortunate but if more than enough time and more of proving theorems, of course, I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me the result.

Same goes to Biology, He can draw better but I was very good in giving examples and explaining my bad drawings.

Instead of wasting my time trying to be good in all the areas of the subject, I capitalised on my strength knowing fully well that there must be an option in the exam not to answer all the questions. at the end, we were and still very good friend while being the best in the class, all because we focused on our strengths, instead of fighting each other on our weaknesses.

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